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2tainment Gmbh, based in Germany, is a distinguished publisher of PC and video games, featuring its own internal development resources. The company's areas of focus are not only limited to software but also expand to hardware entertainment products on a global scale. Exhibiting a keen concentration on development and marketing, 2tainment prides itself on a carefully curated portfolio of products, ensuring each one receives thorough attention over an extended period.
2tainment Gmbh's impressive repertoire includes a variety of games like 'Air Missions: HIND', 'Hellmut: The Badass from Hell', 'Super Street: The Game', 'Legends of Eisenwald', and the 'Tech Corp' among many others. The company's in-house development team emphasizes creating their unique content for virtual and augmented reality, typically in collaboration with other external development studios. Beyond its role in the industry, the team at 2tainment dabbles in realising medical projects and contributes to improving conventional treatment methods through its VR & AR expertise. In addition to their gaming ventures, they have a line of high-quality hardware products for PCs and video games, which, when bundled with matching software, creates synergies in the gaming experience.
Ultimately, 2tainment Gmbh stands out due to its commitment to a refined selection of software and hardware products, its pursuit of cutting-edge technologies like virtual and augmented reality, and its innovative use of these technologies outside the gaming world. The company's contribution to medical projects highlights its diverse usage of VR & AR technologies, thereby making it an intriguing prospect in several realms. The comprehensive approach, from development to marketing, characterizes 2tainment's method to give players, developers, distributors, and retailers alike a mutually beneficial relationship, making it a desirable venture for anyone involved with or interested in the gaming industry.